CAL: Toothless Amigurumi Part 3 – triangular fins at the side of the head

Today, we finally continue with our toothless-cal. What we will do is triangular fins at the side of the head: Start the first fin counting 8 stitches down from the right horn and then go back two rounds R: crochet 5 single crochets directly to the head, then turn your work by 180 degrees and crochet 5 single crochets back into the very same holes (10 single crochets) R: 10 sc dec, 3 sc, dec, 3 sc (8 sc) dec, 2 sc, dec, 2 sc (6 sc) 3 dec Cut yarn and sew up the end For the second fin … CAL: Toothless Amigurumi Part 3 – triangular fins at the side of the head weiterlesen